

Petition to the US Government on Behalf of Bishop Joanikije

May 14, 2020

New Rochelle, NY

On May 12, 2020, Bishop Joanikije of the Diocese of Budimlje and Niksich, together with seven of his priests, was arrested by the police in Niksich following a religious procession. The clergy have always endeavored to conducted services in compliance with all the laws and regulations related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Bishop and priests conducted the service without inviting or encouraging the public to take part. However, as it was the feast day of a saint, who is held in great reverence by locals, St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker, people spontaneously gathered around the church to honor their saint. Following the service, Bishop Joanikije spend a short period of time with his faithful, providing spiritual support to those gathered and a spontaneous procession ensued. Soon thereafter, the authorities arrested Bishop Joanikije together with his clergy and detained them for 72 hour period, with a hearing pending on Friday May 15, 2020 at 10:00AM, which has the potential to subject them to a 30 day period of investigative detention.

The Church and the worldwide public are very concerned by the selective and discriminatory application of the Covid-19 restrictions in Montenegro. In similar cases the persons charged with breaking the restrictions were never arrested but only a fine was levied.

Recognizing the injustice done to Bishop Joanikije and his clergymen, the people of Montenegro have taken to the streets in protest. In many places throughout the country these peaceful protests have met with brutal police force. Nonetheless, we receive reports that people have gathered tonight again in protest and the unjust persecution of the Church and the police brutality unbecoming of a civilized society.

We are very grateful to our government and the current administration for putting global religious freedom at the forefront of its foreign policy. We kindly ask our government to intercede with the Montenegrin authorities to release His Grace Bishop Joanikije and all his priests from detention without delay. From the current widespread protests, we see that the continued detention of Bishop Joanikije and his clergy by the Montenegrin authorities, and the use of excessive force by the police against peaceful protesters demanding the release of their bishop and priests, threatens the stability of Montenegro and the Balkan region in general.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States of America,

Bishop of Eastern America
The Serbian Orthodox Church